Saturday 10 February 2018

Crazy Crafters Blog Hop with Allison Okamitsu

Today I am participating in my first ever Blog Hop with the Crazy Crafters! Today we are CASE'ing Allison Okamitsu from Canada. I spent a lot of time scrolling around Allison's blog and having a lot of trouble picking a card because I loved ALL OF THEM! I finally made a decision and went with this one:

I don't have the Fruit Basket stamp or punch yet, but I really liked how the scalloped circles draw your eye to small elements. Having recently received the Magical Mates stamps and framelits dies, I had an idea for using an adorable little character I had noticed in the set. Here is what I came up with:

Aren't those little seahorses just adorable!? The banner at the bottom with the sentiment frustrated me a lot as I struggle with getting Whisper White ink to apply evenly, however I am hoping to buy a heat tool soon and if I was making the card again, I would use white embossing powder (thanks to my upline Louise for that suggestion!)

Here's a list of the materials I used:

Occasions Catalogue
  • Myths and Magic Specialty Designer Paper
  • Magical Mates Stamp Set 
  • Magical Mates Framelits Dies
  • Myths and Magic Specialty Washi Tape
  • 1 3/8" Scalloped Circle Punch
2017-2018 Annual Catalogue
  • Whisper White Cardstock
  • Whisper White Craft Stampin' Pad
  • Fresh Fig, Tranquil Tide and Soft Sky Cardstock
  • 2017-2019 In Colour Stampin' Write Markers (I used Fresh Fig and Tranquil Tide with the Blender Pen)
Thanks for dropping by! Make sure you check out the projects my fellow Crazy Crafters have created below!


  1. So sweet Sara! So glad you got to take part in the hop today. :) Well done.

  2. I think this is my favourite of the hop! Love those tiny seahorses, amongst the seaweed and all those bubbles :) xxx

    1. Aww thank you! The bubbles were fiddley but I'm super happy with them 🙂

  3. Sara what a fab hop to join as your first with the Crazy Crafters...I love your take on this (great minds think alike lol) and the little seahorses are soooo cute!! Great card!! xx

    1. Thanks Leisa! I thought of the great minds when I saw yours... although I didn't have the patience to do the piercing like you!

  4. So cute Sara, love these little seahorses. They make me melt everytime x

  5. Thanks Kim :) I didn't notice them until I got the actual set... now I think they're my favourite part!

  6. Such a fun card Sara and a great CASE. Love those adorable little seahorses.
